
Ashwagandha 500g smooth




XAVIA Peanut Butter  | Smooth | With Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Cocoa Mass | All Plant Based

Components that are good for you: Peanut butter is well-known for being high in protein, which is essential for developing kids and adults alike.

Healthy Energy: Nutrient-rich and high in protein, peanuts provide the body a healthy energy boost that helps it get through the day.

Strong Memory: Brahmi and ashwagandha together may boost memory by enhancing cognitive function.

Reduction of Stress: Brahmi and ashwagandha are known as adaptogens; they aid in the body’s ability to withstand stress and encourage sounder sleep. Natural and plant-based, all of the active substances are secure and beneficial.

Benefits of Cocoa : Rich in antioxidants, it promotes heart and skin health as well as mood enhancement.

The special characteristic of THIS PRODUCT is vital for learners and studying youngsters.  It is beneficial for all age groups.

Orders are fulfilled by the fresh manufacturing process, and product is supplied from a new batch.

This Product is M2C only, Manufacturer to Consumer.

Motive of FROMO: Fresh Made On Order


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